Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog 9- Avatar Music

The movie Avatar featured to distintive soundtracks. There was the war-like soundtrack and the "nature"-like soundtrack. These two soundtracks consisted to two different musical styles. However, both of these soundtracks were crucial to the success of the movie. The highlight the constrasting views seen in the movie.

The war-like soundtrack featured heavy bass and fast drum beats. This created a chaotic and heavy feel to the scene in the movie. It helped build the tension for the human military or the upcoming battle. The music made your heart want to jump out of your chest. Whenever a lot of tension was needed, this music was usually chosen to empathsize how important it was. This was similar to the soundtrack of most war and action movie. The primary goal was to create a sense of urgency and seriousness.

During the nature scene and the Navi, the music was light and had long drawn-out notes. The music featured lots of aerophones throughtout the pieces. This music was like a rebirth to life and nature. I think I some Native American influence with the fast drum beats. This music kind of reminds me of the music from The Lion King. The long aerophone notes and the drum beats in Avatar and Lion King helped to create a sense of awe with nature and a feeling of rebirth.

Without these two different music, Avatar would not have recieved the recognition that it deserved. The music help to bring the audience in to the action and make the audience feel like the were a part of the movie.

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